Why am I never satisfied with anything? How can I stop wanting to be everything?
A great way to start becoming free of the shackles of greed in our mind is to meditate. Meditation is a sort of repentance for greed by introspecting, acknowledging, and letting go.

Hello there, thank you for your question.

The reason why people are not satisfied with anything is because of their minds. Their minds are based on lack-based thinking (greed); they’re always hungry and can never be satisfied no matter how much we feed them. They can’t be satisfied because they’re flawed at their core. You can’t fix anything that is flawed at the core by adding stuff to it or giving it what it wants.

Why is it like this? I believe people are born greedy because of evolutionary purposes. By never being satisfied with anything, the human population has been able to grow, and advanced societies have been able to form. If people were naturally satisfied with everything, this development would probably not have taken place. As with many things in nature, there appears to be a reason for everything.

Similarly, there is a reason for becoming free of greed. That’s also part of human evolution – the evolution of the mind. Some people call this spiritual growth. By growing spiritually, our course of life changes into something higher; we start to live for Truth. A sign of a truthful person is that they are not lacking anything. They joyfully live for Truth (the world) as an expression of Truth. This seems to be happening on a bigger scale these days.

never satisfied with anything

Lack-based thinking is a projection that can be broken

A great way to start becoming free of the shackles of greed in our mind is to meditate. Meditation is a sort of repentance for greed by introspecting, acknowledging, and letting go.

In order to identify the dissatisfaction (greed) in our mind, we can close our eyes and ask ourselves, “Why am I not perfectly happy right now?” Our mind will respond, “Because I need this or that,” “if only that could happen,” “if only those people were/weren’t in my life,” etc.

As we can see, the mind judges the current situation as being “wrong” and thinks that something needs to be added to make it “right”. You could say that the mind projects its image of lack onto the present moment (the world), and that the idea of self (us) is trapped within that projection. This situation can never be fixed from within the concept of the projection. As long as we have lack-based thinking, we will experience a sense of lack no matter how good the circumstances are; it’s an endless loop. The key is to break this projection by acknowledging that we have it and letting it go with the help of meditation.

When we break the projection, Truth is revealed from within. Truth is the world as it is. There is no lack in Truth, and no greed either. Truth is liberation and the reason for the saying, “Truth shall set you free.”

So in conclusion, find a meditation center that can teach you have to empty your mind. That will solve your problem.
