What’s the best book you’ve read that completely eliminated your ego?
I’ve found that the meditation method he created does eliminate the ego in the most thorough and logical way that I can think of and I’ve been practicing it since.

Is that even possible?

No book can completely eliminate the ego – you have to do the work.

I’ve read books which explained the ego and why it should be eliminated, but they provided no complete method, at most there was just a shift from one state of ego to another.

Examples of books:

  1. Power of Now and New Earth by Eckhart Tolle’s – explanation of ego and a perspective shift
  2. Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche – understanding of ego
  3. Book of Wisdom by Woo Myung – in depth of understanding of ego and a perspective shift
  4. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie – shifts ego from 1 state to another
  5. Many examples of self help books and scriptures – understanding of ego, but can people really eliminate through them?

What about an actual method to eliminate the ego?

Woo Myung talks about a method in his many books, but you do need guidance – you can’t just eliminate it from a book.

I’ve found that the meditation method he created does eliminate the ego in the most thorough and logical way that I can think of and I’ve been practicing it since.

Through this method I’ve been able to understand clearly what the ego is, the depth of it, how wretched and self-centred it is, and more importantly – how to completely eliminate it.
