Why can’t I force myself to do the things that I know will make my life better? How can I change that?
If it had something to do with some piece of information, don’t you think everyone would be able to figure it out by now? Even with this Quora question, everyone is looking for the solution in some kind of information, as though that’s going to be the missing piece to unlock their mind.

I recently watched an episode of Impact Theory on YouTube with author Mark Manson (Subtle Art of NOT GIVING A F*CK), and after years of research, he is asking himself this same question:

“Why do people read 12 books and then not change any of their behaviors?”

How many books on this subject are there? He said the problem was not the information, but something about the format that we (society) haven’t solved yet.

He went on to say the only thing he knows might work is consistent therapy sessions over the years.

Therapy might work, yes, but the reason why it works is because, as you talk, it’s an act of self-reflection and letting go of the past that keeps you confined.

The reason you are confined is because you are 100% trapped inside of your own little bubble, your own little mind world.

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This is why we can’t implement it, and this is why people think the problem isn’t solved.

Your habits, your self-talk, the totality of your false mind.

The solution does exist.

The solution is to clear your mind, by discarding the roots of your mind, which dictate your every thought, feeling, and emotion. You can do this by discarding meditation.

People say the solution doesn’t exist, but they just haven’t tried the right one.

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If it had something to do with some piece of information, don’t you think everyone would be able to figure it out by now? Even with this Quora question, everyone is looking for the solution in some kind of information, as though that’s going to be the missing piece to unlock their mind.

It never, ever will.

Again, the solution is to clear your mind.

It’s the opposite of everything you’ve been taught.

Again, if it were as simple as adding something to your mind, then change would be EASY! Just read those magic books or watch those magic YouTube videos and you’d be able to change, but you can’t, right?

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You have to remove those blockages! That’s precisely why therapy can, in some cases, work.

But wouldn’t it be better if you understood your own mind yourself, without the need for a therapist, and then you yourself could remove the blockages from your mind so that all of this information could take root and you could then change?

That’s what I’ve done.

I’m not going to lie, I’m far from perfect. I have moments of being trapped by my habits.

But I know I’ve changed a hell of a lot more by clearing my mind than by the hundreds of books, seminars, and YouTube videos I ever watched.

They made me feel good. “Oh yeah, I’m going to change!” and that energy would last maybe 1–3 weeks before I just settled back into my old, unbreakable ways.

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Why don’t you try discarding your false mind?

If you give it your wholehearted sincerity, it can’t NOT work.
