First, I want to emphasize that self-worth should not be overestimated, and we shouldn’t obsess over it.
We all have our problems. Some people feel like failures and think that they need to become successful. Some people believe that money will solve all their problems. Some people think that self-fulfillment is the solution. Some people believe that finding love will make them have found ‘it’.
These notions are all delusional. Searching for something to ‘add’ to your life is the wrong starting point for finding fulfillment. All these ideas stem from a mind that doesn’t know the whole, Truth.
We function like a camera with our five senses. We take in the world through these senses and live in our perception of the world. From within this mind world, we seek happiness, love, and self-worth. However, that’s all our concept of happiness, love, and self-worth. We will never be able to find something in its true form within this illusion, the reason being is that the illusion is only a copy of the world, and purely subjective. This means that even if we were to find it, it would not be the real deal.
The reason we are not happy and the false ideas about self-worth
I believe there are no people in the world who are completely happy. This is due to our ignorance about our origin, life’s purpose, and about what happens after we die. So we live with constant stress inside. This stress takes on various forms, prompting us to devise various strategies for relief. However, any attempt is deemed to fail. Sure, things might get better as we mature, but we will always have a certain degree of stress and worry embedded in our minds. This is the nature of the human being.
The chase for self-confidence or self-worth is a manifestation of our inferior mind. Our mind believes that it is not good enough and that something ‘additional’ is required in order for it to be satisfied. However, as long as our minds hold a base of inferiority, it will not be possible to find true self-worth or true self-confidence. In order for that to happen, instead of adding something, we need to let go of everything in our minds, especially the inferiority complex.
Any person who says they have a strong sense of self-worth is likely to be suffering from an inflated sense of pride. Unless they are able to explain that their self-worth is not of their own doing, that it is grace from the source, they are only fooling themselves, believing that their pride is self-worth. It is not possible to have true self-worth without being one with the true mind, the source.
If we find our true self, we don’t worry about our self-worth
For this reason, we shouldn’t take concepts like self-worth, self-confidence, etc. too seriously. Pursuing self-worth easily creates unnecessary stress; it’s not the end of the world if we don’t attain it. Instead, a much more fruitful approach is to constantly look within and let go of what we hold in our minds. As we do so, we will naturally return to our original mind, which is valuable by and of itself.
Meditation is the way to let go of the mind. I wholeheartedly recommend that everyone begin this journey. Find a center and guide, and start meditating right away. Bit by bit, your mind will become more and more peaceful. You will transcend the futile search for self-worth; such a pursuit will appear insignificant in comparison to your new-found goal, finding Truth within, which is an infinitely greater goal and solves all your problems along the way.
PS. Take a minute and check out the video below. It describes the nature of our true self and how to find it.