Will Truth set you free?
It makes you incredibly grateful every time you notice how much of your habits such as procrastination, laziness, or addiction have gone away. Living a life controlled by those habits was utterly miserable.

Absolutely. Knowing Truth and how to live according to it can free people from living a life of agony. I am grateful for the meditation practice I have been doing and how it has led me toward the Truth. It’s from my diary. Hope you like it.

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Reminder For Myself

You are someone who knows what Truth and falseness are: the emptiness of the Universe is the Truth that exists, while the countless human thoughts are an illusion that does not exist.

Yet, from time to time, you let your judgment cloud Truth.

It is because you still hold on to your likes and dislikes, your conceptions of what is right and wrong, and discern whether something will be beneficial for you or not.

But fortunately, being able to tell Truth and falseness apart gives you great strength to deny those false thoughts, so you can avoid creating more karma.

You are living a delightful life as you get rid of falseness every day, and getting that much closer to Truth.

You are someone who has come to enlighten that everything in this world is a representation of the Universe and that we are all one.

Yet, from time to time, your consciousness gets trapped inside your body, and you make the mistake of thinking that this body is who you are.

This is because some self-centeredness still remains in you, which leads you to desire superiority over others while avoiding sacrificing yourself for them.

But fortunately, because you have clearly realized that we are all the universe as Spirit and Soul, it motivates you to strive for coexistence with others. That’s when your life becomes beautiful, a life of Heaven on earth, when you can see the universe in others.

You are someone who has gotten rid of habits, using this body as a tool as needed.

Yet, from time to time, the remaining habits take hold of you and you are helpless.

That is because rooting out all the habits is not an easy task, which is why it’s a miracle that there is a way to get rid of them.

It makes you incredibly grateful every time you notice how much of your habits such as procrastination, laziness, or addiction have gone away. Living a life controlled by those habits was utterly miserable.

You are so blessed to have found the way to know Truth and to become Truth in this one and only lifetime. You are truly blessed.
