Why do I get depressed after a fun day?
Over the years, I’ve come to realise that by holding on to those “good moments” in my mind, it always leads to depression because how things are in the present moment are never matched by what I have in my mind world.

One of the best weekends I ever had with my friends was a long weekend where we stayed together and partied Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We had so much fun together, and it was such a treasure to get so close to my friends in that way.

Because I enjoyed it so much, when it ended, it filled me with sorrow and loneliness that it had ended. I even remember saying to one of my frinds “Oh I just want to go back!” and he scolded me and told me to “let it go!”

I was holding onto it in my mind.

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At the time, I had no idea how to let something go. My mind habitually held on to everything, and because it was all I could think about it, it lead to one of my many depressive episodes.

I wanted my life to always be like that moment I had stored in my mind.

Over the years, I’ve come to realise that by holding on to those “good moments” in my mind, it always leads to depression because how things are in the present moment are never matched by what I have in my mind world.

I was robbing myself of true happiness.

Now, I’ve learnt how to let everything go by following a very simple method of self reflection and discarding meditation and I’ve never been happier! I can enjoy those precious moments as they are in that moment, and then let them be, and enjoy each new passing moment that worlds gives me.

I believe this is one of the true secrets to happiness.
