What lessons can we learn from death?
Every day, many people die at work, at home, on the road, and in hospitals.
Then why do we sometimes need to see group deaths?
It has happened recently.
The essence of death can only be grasped through group death, otherwise we will remain oblivious to it?
In a moment’s time, it becomes an event seen by millions across the globe, not just in their country.
What happens in a small corner of the globe, is not usually what our family or the people around us concern.
However, it would mean that it is a task that we all need to see and study now.
The most common reaction to death is pain and fear.
Because we were born carrying such DNA in every cell, we have grown up with painful and fearful emotions.
Our lives were shaped by thinking, feeling, and acting in that way.
All the emotions and feelings in that life are the results of the DNA that the ancestors passed on to us.
Our feelings, experiences, and thoughts are all influenced by what our parents, grandparents, and all of our ancestors experienced.
In general, the greater the pain, the deeper it goes into the abyss.
We are simply not confident enough to see and feel it. Since it’s an involuntary repression, maybe you are doing it now.
We live in a time when pain and sadness rapidly reveal their identities.
Many shocking events actually occur in the world.
So what do we need to do?
Should we find out whose fault it is and punish them?
Are we supposed to cry while thinking about the deceased?
All you mourn is pity without realizing that you and I are not different, and that pain is neither evil nor bad.
I cannot cry for them when my fear of death makes me frightened.
Can mourning for fear without knowing what death is really comfort the dead?
Even if any emotions have remained or been rotten for a long time, I should acknowledge and empty all the emotions I feel without suppressing them.
By doing so, they will slowly be released like prisoners who are released from shackles and become one with their original nature.
Our task is to solve each mind inside ourselves one by one.
If we do so, we can value and appreciate everyone’s life without making any death pitiful or miserable, and death will no longer be painful.
Your mind is not yours, it belongs to us all.
Those who can see your fear behind your smile cry.
Now let us look into our minds, acknowledge them, and overcome the concept of life and death.