What are the most effective and proven time management techniques?
I could achieve all of the above through meditation. Meditation awakens the infinite potential that is within us. It is because meditation eliminates all the countless thoughts that are getting in the way of that potential.

What are the most effective and proven time management techniques?

Why do we have to manage our time? Why do we have to try and save time as if with money? There is only one reason – it’s because we are only given a limited amount of time.

We are all going to die at some point, and no one knows when that time will come. This is why we have to use our time wisely and try to save time.

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I am so busy these days. I write on Quora, communicate with people all over the world, raise my children, and working as a meditation teacher as a freelancer.

And also, as part of my contribution to the local community, I am guiding meditation to the local people. I meditate and exercise every single day because I want to stay healthy as I grow older. If I don’t organize my mind and build up the muscles strength in my body, I won’t be able to handle all the things that I have to do.

If there are people who need my help, I try to help as much as I can. If there is any knowledge that I know of, I try to share it.

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I wake up in the morning at 6:30 am, and go to bed at 11pm at night. I get enough sleep, wake up early in the morning, make breakfast for my husband and children, get some exercise, write down the things that I have to do today and clear them one by one. I set alarms to remind myself of the appointments, practice for the class that I will be doing at school for the kids, meet with people on zoom and have meetings and also debate with them. And in the evening, I do meditation, clean up the house, brush my teeth, take a shower, and go to sleep.

  • If you are to use your time wisely, you should not have distracting thoughts.
  • If you are to use your time wisely, you should not regret or be looking back on the things that have already passed.
  • If you are to use your time wisely, you should start with the most important thing.
  • If you are to use your time wisely, instead of living for yourself, you should live working for the world.
  • If you are to use your time wisely, you should find the wisdom that is within you.
  • If you are to use your time wisely, you should put what you know into action.

I could achieve all of the above through meditation. Meditation awakens the infinite potential that is within us. It is because meditation eliminates all the countless thoughts that are getting in the way of that potential. 
