What are some reasons I might lack motivation?
For me, it always starts and ends in the mind!
When I reflected on myself, the main reasons why I lacked motivation was because deep down, I knew I’d just end up failing at whatever it was I was trying to do.
I had lived a life of failure, and so there was all this “evidence” in my mind that I was a quitter and a failure. With that type of mindset, what was even the point of starting? That’s how I used to think! But to hell with that! Those thought patterns keeps you trapped in your old ways.
Now that I’ve learned to reflect on my life, get rid of those old ways of thinking, and then gradually change it, my motivation is endless. I now see myself as someone who can achieve whatever it is I want to achieve if I put my mind to it! I have so much passion for the vision I’m working towards. And I won’t give up until I get there.
My mind is no longer an enemy – it is a tool I use to achieve my goals for the world! The only enemy now is time.
I hope this helps and I hope you can break free from the prison of your mind and discover your potential. Don’t let life slip by and be wasted – you’ll only be left with sorrow and regrets.