How do I get rid of anxiety?
We have also been attempting to find the reasons outside, but there is no such answer outside. The answer is 100% within. All the anxieties are within your mind, and you must find the answer or solution within, period.

There are many different ways of overcoming anxieties, but meditation is the best way to do it. Anxiety should be gotten rid of so that you can be free from it permanently:)

Before we learn more about intent, I want to share some excerpts from one of my favorite books;

People’s agonies come from the minds they have.

Nothing exists when there is no self.

Burdens are not created by someone else;

they are expressions of oneself,

formed by his life.

The poem, Agony, from the book ‘ Mind.’

As you can see in this poem, all the anxieties and agonies exist because you have all the minds within you. So far, even though we have all kinds of anxiety, there was no exact way on how to deal with it. We have also been attempting to find the reasons outside, but there is no such answer outside. The answer is 100% within. All the anxieties are within your mind, and you must find the answer or solution within, period.

get rid of anxiety

So, I would like to share my knowledge about the exact fundamental reasons for anxiety and how to deal with it.

I could learn where my anxieties come from and how to deal with them through meditation. Through meditation, I realized that

  • all the reasons come from my accumulated minds: lived life and habits inherited from my ancestors. For example, if we have a mental condition that causes anger, we’d express anger or embed a lot of hatred in our minds, then express hatred. All the reasons are coming from our minds. Then the method should be the thing that eliminates those minds.

Meditation is throwing away all these false minds; I learned that looking back on my mind and discarding all the roots of my negative thoughts about leading causes of my anxiety.

When I looked back on my lived life deeply,

  • I realized that I had accumulated so many negative minds, like all the moments about hatred, jealousy, anger, attachments about people, etc. I could see I didn’t excrete all the mind poo even once in my entire life😮. I started to discard all the minds that caused all my anxieties. And my meditation practice began to work. All these minds started to disappear.

After I discarded my minds,

  • first of all, my overthinking habit had disappeared, and my anxiety disappeared naturally as much as I emptied my minds.
  • Also, I didn’t need to pretend and force myself to change my behavior. My mind naturally became calm and comfortable because the roots of my negative minds that caused my anxiety had been gone through meditation practice.
  • As the poem above said, when I discarded my false self, which is my lived life and habit, the only true mind remains. And then, I could enlighten a genuine calm mind, which is my original mind.

I became comfortable and happy afterward. I hope that you can also experience this great peace after discarding your minds.

The meditation method is straightforward and easy to follow, but also the result is fantastic. Let’s live without anxiety and live happily together by discarding our false minds. I will leave the link to a short video clip to learn more🙏
