How can I overcome that victim mentality?
The reason I share this is to highlight to you that victim mentality exists in the mind. It doesn’t exist outside, in the world. Only inside my mind.

Let me share a short story.


Last Friday at 4.30 pm I received an email from my colleague who sits next to me.

I was tired and my hot head was filled with negative thoughts.

I read his email about the project we are working on.

In the email, I thought I read the words “I disagree with you…”.

I couldn’t believe it!

Disagree…with me?

I was his senior and it was my job to review his work.

Even though he was sitting right next to me, I didn’t talk to him about it.

On my drive home, I was thinking… how could he say he disagrees!

I have much more experience than him, I thought.

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On Saturday, I was still thinking about it.

I went to my meditation center and meditated on Saturday and Sunday.

I began to see how strong my ego is.

I looked at my mind and admitted to myself that I have a strong frame of mind. I really don’t want to be defeated.

On my drive to work on Monday, I told myself I would not insist on my own opinion (however, I still thought I was right).

Feeling much fresher after meditation, I read the email again.

“I disagree with the customer…”.


My colleague was not disagreeing with me!

He was disagreeing with someone else.

I was shocked.

I was not the victim and the email itself did not have any of the anger I thought it had.

My stressed mind had interpreted his email as an attack against me.

I decided to focus on my own work.

My colleague sat calmly next to me.

It was as if nothing ever happened.


The reason I share this is to highlight to you that victim mentality exists in the mind.

It doesn’t exist outside, in the world.

Only inside my mind.

Because I have lived my life with this victim mindset, I automatically respond and think in this way.

So, to overcome it, I recommend a method where you can remove the experiences that have caused the victim mindset to build up.

You will then find freedom in your mind 😊

Please enjoy the video that helps explain it.
